Optimising processes and improving partnerships

The performance of your supply chains has a huge impact on the business and project delivery. We have a deep and broad experience of supply chain improvement and management from various sectors and are tailoring and deploying these practices to enhance performance in the Built Environment. This includes:

  • Building robust manufacturing processes to achieve quality, costs and delivery.
  • Enhanced partnerships across all functions of the business.
  • Bringing innovation and real value to the surface and converting into practical deployment.

By improving your relationships with your suppliers, we will help to build project resilience and programme certainty across the supply chain. We want to embed a culture of high performance that unites the entire supply chain under one clear vision. From there comes a reduction in costs and wasted resources, and a sharp increase in productivity and quality.

The right-first-time approach

A disturbing 39% of construction accidents take place when undergoing reworks that have been forced by error. By evaluating and improving the quality of your supply chain, we aim to minimise the need for these reworks. We will identify any high-risk suppliers, then work with them to grow and improve their products.

  • Do not pass on an error
  • Do not accept an error
  • Do not make an error

These are the principles that will shape your supply chain and guide your project towards successful completion.

Developing a lean supply chain

In order for your construction project to achieve its goals in quality, efficiency, and sustainability, you need to have a fully optimised supply chain. You need to have complete confidence in your suppliers capabilities, and forge collaborative relationships with them to pave the way for success in the future.

Unfortunately, the Built Environment sector is straggling behind other industries when it comes to digital solutions, continuous improvement, and quality management. At BBI, we harness the best practices from other industries and combine them with our years of construction experience. Our complete supply chain improvement team are experts in streamlining and enhancing processes across the supply chain. Together, we will create a bespoke strategy designed to get the optimum value out of both your suppliers and yourselves.


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    Streamlining processes offsite and onsite to ensure operations are as efficient as possible and raise productivity.


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    Building strong integrated partnership improvements across all areas including design, logistics, commercial to drive real value and outcomes.


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    Enhancing the quality of suppliers’ manufacturing and assembly processes both off and onsite to deliver quality right first time and drive Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).


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    Mapping out the supply chain and strategic categorisation of products in order to build an improvement strategy that is focused on minimising waste and enhancing quality.


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    Supporting suppliers to adopt the improvement skillsets and toolsets which will assist in identifying and resolving issues and eliminating the risk of reworks at every stage.

“I have no doubt that BBI Services' contribution here has delivered a significant benefit to the team and the project position overall.”

Bob Coe | Greenwich Peninsula, Project Director

Let's Work Together

BBI Services are dedicated to helping your business run as efficiently and effectively as possible. We’ll identify your unique needs, then we’ll work collaboratively with you to implement a strategy for perpetual improvement. Let’s equip your workforce with the skillset, the toolset, and the mindset to succeed.

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