Working closely with our clients to deliver improvement to several process improvements to the critical path and bottleneck processes, to allow the achievements of key milestones.   


Our initial focus was to standardise and improve the window installation process off-site, whilst increasing façade installation capacity on-site. This included reviewing logistics and tower crane hook time utilisation.

This was then extended to the support of digital collaborative planning.


Throughout the duration of the project, we experienced several challenges:

  • Extreme weather conditions (Storm Franklin) resulted in extensive tower crane damage.
  • Pit lane closures due to road closure outside the site.
  • Stand down on tower cranes and hoists.

As a result of these challenges, there was even more emphasis on the need to improve the current processes to further result in increased efficiency.

Solution & Results:

Window Installation: A detailed time study was completed on the window installation process. Improvement areas were then identified and applied resulting in the following:

  • Process steps and standard times for all processes documented.
  • Labour requirements identified to support the façade installation target. Labour required was 24 people at 75% efficiency – labour was previously at 10 people with an unknown efficiency.
  • An efficiency tracker was put in place to monitor performance.
  • De-risked the window install constraint, supporting the façade installation programme.
  • Façade installation activities – demonstrated the ability to install 40 panels per week against a planned programme target of 25 panels per week.

Logistics: An Integrated digital system was being used by the main contractor and the sub-contractors to book deliveries and loading bays. This process was reviewed through the DABs meetings.

As a result of the meetings, improvements were made resulting in:

  • Improved ownership and management of logistics processes, utilising the Section Engineer (Logistics Manager to take over once in place).
  • The Pit lane was cleared and improved to allow full usage of all loading bays.
  • Logistics planning is incorporated into collaborative planning (COR).

TC5 hook usage:

The activities of TC5 were observed. The observations were then analysed with the team. Improvements made and resulting benefits:

  • TC usage/downtime is now being correctly recorded.
  • Idle hook time was identified, which proves hook time is not a constraint.
  • Observations identified no requirement for a spider crane, eliminating hire costs of circa £3,000 per week – March to July (20 weeks)

Next steps & opportunities:

  • Establish a clear TAKT (rhythm) for the fit-out process, with a clear visual system of identifying progress.
  • Implement a more robust DABs process with a greater focus on achieving programme deliverables.
  • Greater focus on 6 to 12-week look ahead and make ready needs to reduce ‘firefighting’.

Let's Work Together

BBI Services are dedicated to helping your business run as efficiently and effectively as possible. We’ll identify your unique needs, then we’ll work collaboratively with you to implement a strategy for perpetual improvement. Let’s equip your workforce with the skillset, the toolset, and the mindset to succeed.

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