Invest in your responsibility by utilising BBI’s expertise and experience to optimise your carbon footprint at a process level. Through this investment and by collaboratively working with our team, you will be driving towards sustainable goals, like PAS 2080, and enhancing your competitive edge.

Our comprehensive and impactful approach delivers quantifiable insights into your environmental impact and highlights tangible opportunities for improvement. We can support the implementation of improvement strategies resulting in a more sustainable and efficient operation.

Key Deliverables & Benefits


  • A comprehensive assessment report detailing your company’s current carbon footprint, key wastes, and improvement opportunities.
  • A prioritised improvement plan with actionable recommendations for reducing carbon emissions and achieving sustainability goals.
  • Design of a future state process optimised for carbon footprint reduction, accompanied by a roadmap for implementation.
  • Ongoing support and guidance from our expert improvement specialists throughout the implementation phase to ensure successful outcomes.


  • Gain actionable insights into your company’s environmental impact and unlock opportunities for improvement.
  • Significantly reduce carbon emissions, energy consumption, and waste generation, resulting in substantial cost savings and enhanced environmental responsibility.
  • Strengthen your company’s reputation as a socially responsible and sustainable business, driving positive brand perception and customer loyalty.
  • Enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness in the marketplace, positioning your company for long-term success and growth.

Let's Work Together

BBI Services are dedicated to helping your business run as efficiently and effectively as possible. We’ll identify your unique needs, then we’ll work collaboratively with you to implement a strategy for perpetual improvement. Let’s equip your workforce with the skillset, the toolset, and the mindset to succeed.

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